Tuesday, January 20, 2009

P.F. Chang's Rock-n-Roll Marathon Race Report: Part 1

Well, as my friend Amy would say....I did a hat trick. I finished my third marathon. I also managed to run it while battling a nasty case of strep throat. I'm pretty wiped out and drugged up at the moment, so I will have to give you all the race report in parts. I pretty much only have the energy to answer my previous post's questions. Oh, and a BIG thanks for all of your comments/encouragement. They were much appreciated. So here it goes...
Will I finish?
Will I hit the wall and not be able to push through it?
Hit the wall for the first time in my running life...at mile 22...I stood there and cried.
Will my legs cramp up?
Once...right calf at mile 5...pushed through.
Will my stomach hate me on race morning?
What if my alarm doesn't go off?
Didn't happen...woke up before the alarm.
What if I eat the wrong thing the night before?
Nope...pasta dinner.
Will I slip and fall on all the trampled water cups?
What's the air speed velocity of an unladened swallow?
Who cares? Well, besides silly English Caniggits?
What if I miss a spot with the Body Glide?
Yup...had a bloody back...major wincing and whimpering in post-race shower.
What if I miss my flight?
No problems
What if there isn't a Johnny on the Spot there when I REALLY need it?
More appropriate question: What if there isn't any toilet paper in the Johnny on the Spot when I really need it?
Will I be able to do this without Skip and The Mighty Kate?
Didn't have to...full race report to come later.


C said...

Congrats on your hat trick! I'm so behind I didn't realize you were running this one. Oy, I'm a bad rbf.

Can't wait for the full report...

TooeleTwins said...

Congratulations! I knew that you would finish. What's up next (after strep is gone)?

Denise said...

Congrats on finishing...especially with being sick!

Laura said...

Congrats - looking forward to reading more!

Meg said...

With strep? Wow..congratulations!

About Me

My photo
I'm a teacher with a running problem, or maybe I'm a runner with a teaching problem...you pick.


My Blog List

races completed

A bunch of 5Ks...I've lost track over the years...

O'Fallon (IL) YMCA 15K Winter 2007

St. Louis Track Club Half Marathon (spring) 2007

Spirit of St. Louis Marathon 2007

Boilermaker 15K Roadrace 2007 (Utica, NY)

Lewis and Clark Marathon 2007 (St. Charles, MO)

St. Louis Track Club Frost Bite Series 2008


-10 Miles


-Half Marathon

Go! St. Louis Half Marathon 2008

Route 66 Festival 10K 2008 (Edwardsville, IL)

O'Fallon (IL) Summer Sizzler 15K 2008

Lewis and Clark Half Marathon 2008 (St, Charles, MO: DNS-cancelled due to Hurricane Ike)

O'Fallon Fall Finale 15K 2008

St. Louis Track Club Half Marathon 2008 (PR!)

Mountain Home Half Marathon (Arkansas) 2008 (2nd in age group!)

Great River Road Run (IL) 10 miles

St. Louis Track Club Frost Bite Series 2008-2009


-10 miles

Phoenix Rock-n-Roll Marathon (AZ)

Go! St. Louis Half Marathon 2009

Kentucky Derby Half Marathon 2009

future races

race wish list

Big Sur Marathon
Disney Marathon
Nike Marathon
Marine Corps Marathon
Great River Relay
Bolder Boulder
Chicago Distance Classic